Remembering Carlos Fernández Sessarego

Juan Espinoza Espinoza

A teacher affects eternity;
he can never tell where
his influence stops.
Henry Adams

The departure of a loved and admired being – my mentor was – is always a reason for a nostalgic look towards the past, reliving memories and trying to recover the moments of the shared existential journey. Thus, my memory went back to 1984, when the Civil Code, once defined by Francesco Busnelli as one of the pillars of Private Law in Latin America, was enacted – the Code of which, as Giovanna Visintini justly stated, Carlos Fernández Sessarego is the father.
Indeed, in 1965, when Fernández Sessarego was the Minister of Justice, the Commission in charge of the study and revision of the (then-governing) 1936 Peruvian Civil Code was created by Supreme Decree. The 1936 Code would give way, almost twenty years later, to the 1984 Peruvian Civil Code.